Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Week 2: Moore's Law, PC hardware, etc.

Personal Computer Hardware (Wikipedia)

I found this Wikipedia entry to be extremely helpful and informative. There are lots of great details covered in the information presented, and it is all very user-friendly and easy to understand. There were many components of a PC that were very familiar, and there were also those detailed workings that I had never heard of prior to reading this entry. It seems as though this would be a rich resource to use when finding supplemental materials for a program, workshop, or lesson plan (i.e. at the high school library level).

Moore’s Law (Wikipedia) and What is Moore’s Law? (video)

I found all of the information presented here to be very helpful and insightful. I had heard of this law before in another course, but I was not aware of the amount of detail surrounding it. The rapidity of obsolescence and the rate at which technology is growing is both intriguing and a bit unsettling for libraries already in a budget crunch. It seems almost impossible to keep up with, but I’m sure we’ll continue to see how this all pans out in the very near future. Also, having access to other, related laws as posted on the Wikipedia page was also very useful for comparison points. Still, there was a lot of information to process, and a great amount of detail as well. I’ll be curious to hear more about this during class.

Computer History Museum

What a neat initiative! I thought this was really interesting and conveyed lots of very engaging information. I think this website could be used to effectively supplement a lesson on the topic since the content is presented in such a fun, interactive manner. For example, the “This Day in History” calendar section could be used in an online scavenger hunt or web quest. I do have to wonder, though, about the rapidly changing nature of technology and how it will impact museum updates. Any thoughts?

-Rachel Nard

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